Welcome to Website Mentor. A place where hopefully you’ll find solutions to your problems.
After many years of building things online I have come to amass a large quantity of desperate notes and or links to articles that I have used to solve issues. Having found solutions I often saved them in the hope they would be useful again in the future. Desiring a single place in which to bring all these items, notes and links together I have finally decided to build a website for that purpose.
Like so many of the other personal websites where I found solutions, partly it’s going to be a repository created by me, for me, to record these things in a single place. However in addition to that single repository, and in keeping with the spirit of sharing; in the hopes of helping or educating others I will also try and refresh my notes and write out some tutorials. Partially to aid myself in better / fully understand the subject matters in greater depth, but also to give back to the community from which I learnt so much over the years, thanks to other peoples generosity in taking the time to share what they had learnt.
I hope you find the content useful, and please do get involved in the comment threads if you can help further on the topic or correct any errors or mistakes.
If you have more general feedback, please send it to me via the feedback form.
Thanks Craig.